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Friday, December 3, 2010

Do You Need A Blog?

One man's blog can be a source of immense entertainment and income at the same time. The question arises here "Why have a blog? Why not a website? Is the website any better than a blog or the other way round?" To answer this question let's look and compare a few important aspects of each.

1. Cost

A website - worth its name - can seldom be available for free. Even if the designing is free, the hosting will cost at least $10-20 per annum. A blog on the other hand can be free of cost.

2. Setting up

A website takes time and and specialized expertise to set up. A blog on the other hand, can be set up with ease this is usually menu driven and meant for Internet newbies. One man's blog can be set up in less than 30 minutes by a person who has the minimum knowledge about the Internet, and yet be as qualitative as an above-average website. A quality website can take anywhere from one week to one month to design and host. A blog can be set up overnight!

3. Monetization

A website can be an excellent source of income as a platform for any product or service you want to sell. A blog can do so too, in the same measures provided it is marketed well. Any one man's blog can compare positively with a similarly drawn up website.

4. Aesthetics

A website is compatible with the latest designing techniques such as animation, videos, sound effects and so on. Your blog spot on the other hand may not be able to include all the high-tech stuff, though it has enough to put up a good show. I would seem that one man's blog spot may be less good looking, but never less effective.

5. Manning and promotion

A blog is like a long chain of information added at regular intervals. It is easy to see why blogging can draw in more traffic than a website given the same effort input. It is easier to add comments, news, and articles to a blog than to a website. The blog is thus self-promoting itself, as every time there is an entry there is new indexing with the search engines. Promotion of the website on the other hand needs a lot of investment and effort to draw in traffic.

It looks like blogging is a good idea even for those who have professional websites up and running. It is not surprising then to find one man's website supported by various blogs which are constructed and directed specifically to draw in traffic to the mother website. Blogging is also an excellent means for entertainment because you can share pictures, jokes, fun videos and such stuff with others at no cost to you. Many who had started with personal websites gradually changed over to blogging because it is simple, free, and gives you the opportunity to upgrade it continuously.

The question therefore should not be "Why have a blog?" but rather "Why not have a blog?" With so many benefits it would be foolish for anyone not to take advantage of this splendid opportunity.More information


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